Pesta Demokrasi!! July 8th

Hari ini, Rabu, 8 Juli 2009, Indonesia mengadakan pesta bersejarah. Pesta Demokrasi, memilih pemimpin 5 taun kedepan.

5 menit untuk 5 tahun . Cokelat

Pilihan 1 : Megawati Soekarno Putri - Prabowo "Pro Rakyat"
Pilihan 2 : Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono - Boediono "Lanjutkan"
Pilihan 3 : Jusuf Kalla - Wiranto "Lebih cepat lebih baik"

*Im too young to participate in this moment, im not 17th. I must wait until have a KTP. Thats long time.

*Kemarin 23.00 WIB, di mulai upacara pemakaman King of Pop 'Michael Jackson' . RIP.

*Honestly, I bored at home. Thats always make me feel, home is not a good place. Uh! Bored! I want something that can make me happy everytime.

Happy Birthday
to my friend in Senior High school, Ketut. Wish you all the best!!
Putri Nur's rules for her self only
1. Kurangi aktifitas yang berhubungan dengan hiburan, like KPOP, specially Super Junior. Concentrate to study!!
2. Play computer only 1 day in week and when long holiday.
3. At school, jangan terlalu banyak bermain. Perhatikan pelajaran.
4. Kurangi acara main-main di luar jam sekolah.
Putri N


rismaw said…
aq addicted ama super junior, gmn dunn?
apa bisa iya, ntar aq buka comp cman 1 kali 1 minggu?
sama!!! ak jg addict bgt,
trnyata ak coba ps liburan ngurangin wktu buat SJ, usah jg. tp ttp Hwaiting!!!!

ayo samasama kita coba :)
Anonymous said…
enjoy your 11th grade put.
don't study too much..
haha *devil*