Let's share : Super Show 2

It's a big success ..Leeteuk on his cyworld
Congrats for Super Junior ..Putri N, ELF Indonesia
Jgn lupa doain oppa2 SUPER JUNIOR kt.mudah2n sukses dalam acara SUPER SHOW 2.. Amin ..Rizka F on her short message, ELF Indonesia
Great! Congratulation..Two tumbs up.. ..Risma LQ on her chat message, ELF Indonesia
oppaaaa~ selamat yaaa sushow 2 nya berjalan dengan lancar.. semoga untuk sushow brikutnya oppa bisa konser di indonesiaaa.. aja aja hwaiting^^ ..Galuh R on her chat message, ELF Indonesia
congratulations for sushow . i like u so much . its cool ! ..Desty H on her chat message, ELF Indonesia
selamaat yaa! ..Anita W on her chat message, Indonesia
Triple congrats for super show 2's success ..Amalia I on her message in Shoutmix, ELF Indonesia
SS II was a big success. Congratulation !Although I didn't come, I was still able to feel the atmosphere. I know it was awesome.Super Junior, thank you for all your hard work and keep fighting ^____^~ ..Ka-chan on her comment, ELF Vietnam
I really miss my oppa to show their new song... ..Risma LQ on her comment post in Blogspot.com, ELF Indonesia
Congrats for Super Junior ..Putri N, ELF Indonesia
Jgn lupa doain oppa2 SUPER JUNIOR kt.mudah2n sukses dalam acara SUPER SHOW 2.. Amin ..Rizka F on her short message, ELF Indonesia
Great! Congratulation..Two tumbs up.. ..Risma LQ on her chat message, ELF Indonesia
oppaaaa~ selamat yaaa sushow 2 nya berjalan dengan lancar.. semoga untuk sushow brikutnya oppa bisa konser di indonesiaaa.. aja aja hwaiting^^ ..Galuh R on her chat message, ELF Indonesia
congratulations for sushow . i like u so much . its cool ! ..Desty H on her chat message, ELF Indonesia
selamaat yaa! ..Anita W on her chat message, Indonesia
Triple congrats for super show 2's success ..Amalia I on her message in Shoutmix, ELF Indonesia
SS II was a big success. Congratulation !Although I didn't come, I was still able to feel the atmosphere. I know it was awesome.Super Junior, thank you for all your hard work and keep fighting ^____^~ ..Ka-chan on her comment, ELF Vietnam
I really miss my oppa to show their new song... ..Risma LQ on her comment post in Blogspot.com, ELF Indonesia
UPDATE November 20, 4.03 pm
will be edit later
Share you message for Super Junior on here, and i'll post that.
Thanks before :D
credit picture symbol Super Show 2: starjunior.wordpress.com
Although I didn't come, I was still able to feel the atmosphere. I know it was awesome.
Super Junior, thank you for all your hard work and keep fighting ^____^~
And thanks to all, to support this post. Thanks so much.
~Putri, Indonesia