the BIG events

Sept 5, Junior High School event. Buka bersama di Dago Plaza.
Outfit yg bakal aku pake, baju putih + jeans. WOW!!! I've wore wrong outfit. The other friends wore the other theme, that make me feel so weird. Uh :P My tablemate were Amalia, Fara, Anita, Dea, Inaz, Ninis. We ate with fried chicken, and others. too ordinary :(

Sept 13, Taekwondo event. Buka bersama di 13 Senior High School.
I'm not go there. My father didn't at home, so i can't go home, that will be late night. Thats no train schedule. too Bad! :(

Sept 12, 10.6 event. Buka bersama, rencana nya di ws tamri.
Tapi, yg nama nya 10.6 PASTI rencana tu belum tentu jadi, dan thats TRUE, buka bersama ini ga jadi. dasar kalo bikin Plan yg bener ya.

Sept xx, my BIG family (father) event. Buka bersama di rumah kakek nenek di Sayang, Jatinangor. Semua nya lengkap. Aku makan sama ayam bakar. ENAK!!. dan bisa lebih mengenal saudara saudara.

Sept xx, my BIG family (mother) event. Buka bersama di rumah Wa Dede, di Linggar, Kab.Bandung. Ga lengkap, tp takjil nya enak, ak makan es cendol + es kelapa muda WOW. Makan malam sm sate ayam.

Sept xx, SD event. Buka bersama, entah dimana ga ada yg ngasih tau, dasar.
Aku ga ikut!!
