September !!!

SEPTEMBER, in my mind this month will be a special month ever.
in SEPTEMBER, there will be held special moments. There are fasting month (also pray to God), lot of my friend borned in this month, one of them, my special one (thats only a joke, to make me happier everyday. hope that), an unique date 090909, and the other hidden surprise.

Long time, i didn't write on it. I think, i'm very busy to log in on Internet. But i still a student in Senior High School, not yet a bussinessman. hehehe :))

Long time, i didn't spend my time at school to talk with my best friend, Nomu Yeppo. I'm so sorry, my friend, long time i didn't spend my time for my friends.

Long time, i didn't keep contact with my best friends ever in Junior High School-Darul Hikam.

Long time, (i think..) i'm not UPDATE about Korean, so i got difficult to talk about Korean.

But NOW!!
Because of your (doa. Oops, i dont know that word in English) i feel so healthy now. Thats make me very very very HAPPY. if i turn on my notebook, I always listening to Super Junior-Lovely day, So Nyeo Shi Dae-Complete. That songs always in my playlist box. *Expressing my feeling

Miss you, all of my friends so MUCH!!!!
