Happy Wednesday :)

Hi all!!
why i write this section? Because 2 of my BEST friends write this too. That was an amazing moment, Love that :*

white!!! my theme of my outfit. Hehe, there will be our (NY) first anniversary. So if i wear white, wish this anniversary will be a pure moment
First section Pergi ke rumah Rizka, NY's Leader. Naik angkot stHall-Sarijadi,
all except me *of course!! without smoke, they are talking.
me a.k.a Putri I'm cool, so speechless do more. Haha

Second section Jajan, buy something in Alfamart. But nothing i can bought. Kemudian jalaaaaaaaan menuju Rizka's home.

Third section Kita semua a.k.a NY (Rizka, Windi, Putri, Arini. Annisa didn't go) and Baby (Risma, Ratih) and Angriza mengobrol, bercerita, mengeluarkan suara.
Akhirnya bertukar ide buat ngebangun first cake kita. Dibuat dari Timtam + Selamat.
Windi "gini bukan?"
Arini "kalo gini.. (sambil ngebenerin tu cake buatan) hmmmm..."
Putri dll on our mind digimanain ya, putaaaaaar otak.
Finally, akhirnya jadi juga. Last step, put the candle (from Ang) into the top of cake.
Wow, akhirnya berkat kerja keras kita smua, bisa terselesaikan *touching moment

fourth section Foto-foto

fifth section Makan makan, Made by Rizka's Mom THANKS SO MUCH!!! Hot Fried rice adalah menu utama nya.
masikku!!! *Bahasa Korea gtloo, artinya enak

sixth section It's RECORD time
maka yang kasian tu, Hp punya Ang, Ratih, Windi. Kasian, kerjakeras untuk ngulang merekam. ckck.
OMG pas replay the recorder, Ahahay, suara saya so Flat. *Kaget boo, emg iyaa

seventh section Say GoodBYE

UNFORGETtable moment with NY Baby

the end
